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How many episodes are filmed in advance for TV shows? For example, if episode 3 is being aired on television, up to what episode have they already filmed?

Question #100418. Asked by redsoxfan325.

dopple44 star
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dopple44 star avatar

Answer has 9 votes.

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It differs slightly depending on the show/network/country etc, but basically, if the show is new, then the Pilot episode will be filmed (in the US they do this anywhere between November and April), then they wait to see if they get picked up for a season. This usually happens around May. A show will first get picked up for around 13 episodes (occasionally full season of 22, but rarely). Then filming for the season starts around July, and by about the 6th/7th episode it begins airing. Even though that many episode have been made, it does not mean they get shown. The networks keep a close eye on ratings, not just how many people watch, but how many in what age group, wether the show has maintained it's numbers throughout the hour, and wether the show has kept it's numbers from the show they follow on from (eg, if a new show follows on from 'American Idol' the network would want it to maintain a good percentage of those ratings)

Some shows get cancelled straight away if the ratings are not good enough; but if a show can maintain good numbers for about 3 weeks, then they should finally get picked up for a full season. They will then continue to be about 5/6 episodes ahead of airing schedule.

A totally different ball game in the uk, where in most cases, a full season is filmed way before it starts airing. But then again, a season in the UK is normally 6-8 episodes, not 22.

The only reference I can offer for this is myself, as this is my job. I hope that's allowed. Apologies if not.

Oct 28 2008, 10:01 PM
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