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What group's motto is Blood and Fire?

Question #100978. Asked by lynnhelfand.
Last updated Sep 29 2016.

BRY2K star
Answer has 15 votes
Currently Best Answer
BRY2K star
17 year member
3707 replies avatar

Answer has 15 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
"Blood and fire" is the motto of The Salvation Army
A banner was devised in red, blue and gold with a sun symbol and the motto 'Blood and Fire', ("the blood is the Blood of Christ and the fire is the fire of the Holy Spirit"). Marching bands were formed and in military style the Salvationists would march into a town "to do Battle with the Devil and his Hosts and make a Special Attack on his territory".


A few others use similar mottos:

The 63rd Infantry Division of the US Army has the motto 'Blood and Fire'.
This was inspired by a quote of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who had shortly before the activation of the 63rd Infantry Division, promised to make the enemy "bleed and burn in expiation of their crimes." The slogan was adopted by Brigadier General Louis E. Hibbs, the divison's first commander, who designed the shoulder sleeve insignia.


Bar-Giora, a Jewish self-defense organization.
As a motto, Bar-Giora chose a line from Yaakov Cohen's poem, Habiryonim: "In fire and blood did Judea fall; in blood and fire Judea shall rise."


"Fire and Blood", the motto of House Targaryen in George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series

Response last updated by Terry on Sep 29 2016.
Nov 13 2008, 7:45 PM
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