What are the words to the extended verses of the "Fresh Prince of Bel Air" theme song, seen and heard in some early episode including season one's "Someday my Prince will be in Effect"?
Question #100986. Asked by guitargoddess.
Last updated Jul 29 2021.
Answer has 4 votes
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edmund80 17 year member
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Answer has 4 votes.
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These are the 7 or 8 verses (depending on how they are counted) added in the extended version.
"But wait I hear they're prissy and all that
Is this the type of place that they should send this cool cat?
I don't think so I'll see when I get there I hope they're prepared for the prince of Bel-Air."
"Well uh the plane landed and when I came out
There was a dude looked like a cop standin' there with my name out
I ain't tryin' to get arrested yet I just got here
I sprang with the quickness like lightning disappeared."