There are two people who call themselves Romans
Romanish in Switzerland and Romanians.
The Romanians were known in the past as:
VALACHUS (By the Catholic West)
FLACI(By catholic West)
IFLAK (By the Turks)
VLASI & VOLOH (By the Slavs)
OLAH &BLACH (By the Hungarians)
OLAHOK (By the Hungarians)
OLASZOK (The Hungarian name for the Italians)
WALACH (By the Germans)
WALSCHER (The German name for the Italians)
BLACHOS & VLACHOS (By the Greeks)
BLOCH (By the Saxons in Transilvania)
WOLOSZY (By the Polish)
WLOCHI (The Polish name for the Italians)
In old German WALH = ROMAN
In old slavonic VLAST = POWER (considered of Gothic origin)
In old slavonic VLAST = GIGANTE
Romanians always called themselves ROMANS & RUMANS, RUMANI and the neighbors called them Vlachs, Vlasi, Olahs, etc. Since The language of the Church was Old Slavonic where RUM = ROME The Vlachs called themselves Ruman
The other people in Europe who claim roots from Rome are in Switzerland and call themselves "Romanish"
From: CONSTANTINE FLAVIUS PORPHYROGENITUS (BYZANTINE EMPEROR 913-959) From "De administrando imperio".Constantine's surname, PORPHYROGENITUS(that is, born in the Purple Chamber of the Imperial Palace in CONSTANTINOPLE). "The emperor Diocletian was much enamored of the country of Dalmatia,and he brought folk with their families from ROME and settled them in this same country of Dalmatia,and they were called ROMANI (VLACHS) from their having been removed from ROME, and this title attaches to them until this day..." "The territory possessed by the ROMANI used to extend as far as the river Danube" (Constantine shows that the ROMANS(Latins, NOT Greek Romans or Byzantines) or Vlachs are the original Romans. "The country of the ZXHLUMI was previously possessed by the ROMANS, I mean, by those ROMANI whom Diocletian the emperor translated from ROME" (Constantine is talking about the Imperial Romans,who are going to be known under the name of VLACHS). "The country of Diocleia was also previously possessed by the ROMANI(Vlachs) whom the emperor Diocletian translated from ROME" "The country in which the Pagani now dwell was also previously possessed by the ROMANI(Vlachs) whom the emperor Diocletian translated from ROME and settled in Dalmatia". "At that time when the Avars had fought and expelled from those parts the ROMANI(Vlachs) whom the emperor Diocletian had brought from ROME and settled there,and who therefore called ROMANI from their having been translated from ROME to those countries" SUMMARY: In his description of the Greek Roman Empire,we can definitely identify two people,the Imperial Romans(VLACHS-those Romans who initiated the empire),called by Constntine,ROMANI, and the Greek Romans(BYZANTINES-those Romans who adopted GREEK as the language of the State and Church).
POPE CLEMENT VI (1342-1352).
"Olachi Romani,commorantes in partibus ngariae,Transilvanis,Ultralpinis et Sirmus" (In Hungary,Transilvania,Muntenia and Sirmia live the Roman-Vlachs) or "Tam nobilibus quam popularibus Olachis Romanis"
SUMMARY: Romanians = Romans (Vlachs).
POPE PIUS II (1458-1464)
(Commentarium rerum memorabilium) "VALACHI lingua utuntur Italica, verum imperfecta, et admodum corrupta; sunt qui legiones Romanas eo missas olim censeant dversus Dacos, qui eas terras incolebant; legionibus Flaccum quendam praefuisse, a que Flacci primum,deinde Valachi, mutatis litteris, sint appellati; quorum posteri (ut ante relatum est) "
SUMMARY: (The Vlachs are a people of Roman origin,born from an antic Roman Imperial colony,speaking a language close to Latin or Italian)
"Inferiora vero quaecumque Ister Boristenesque intercipt usque ad Ponti ripas Valacchi obtinent, romani quondam vel exules vel milites, a duce Flacco ita cognominati, nunc immutatione litterae Vlacchi appellati: quo vocabulo non modo ea gens sed omnes quoque finitimae nationes hodie Italos nominant. Valacchi originis suae illud praecipuum prae se ferunt argumentum quod, quamvis Mysorum lingua quae illyrica est omnes utantur, vernaculo tamen sermone, hoc est latino haud prorsus obsoleto ab incunabulis loquuntur; et cum ignotis congressi, dum linguae explorant comertium, an ROMANAE loqui norint interrogant".
SUMMARY: ( Romanians/Vlachs = Romans)
Janus Pannonius,Hungarian Humanist/Poet (1434-1472)
"Sarmatici montes et vos septemplici Istri Caerulea Euxinio cornua mixta Mari, Ac tu Romanis olim possessa colonis Sed iam corrupto, barbara rerra, sono Quid dominum lentis longe retinetis in armis?"
Summary: (Romanians/Vlachs = Romans)
Alessandro Cortesi (1469-1491), Poet.
"An procul expusos Nomadas, serasque luentes Pastores rupto Siculos pro foedere poenas? Trinacriae Siculos quondam, Schythiaeque colonos, Fortia magnanimos praebentes colla Valachos, Qui referunt prisca Roamanam ab origine gentem?"
POPE Innocent III (in a latter from 1203).
"Therefore, we, who have been appointed by the will of GOD and Father, unworthy as we are, as vicars and successors of the Apostolic See, to prove by the force of facts our fatherly love for the Church of the Bulgarians and ROMANIANS (VLACHS),who are said to be THE DESCENDENTS OF THE ROMANS, by their flesh and blood"
POPE Innocent III (in a letter addressed to IONITA, lord of the Bulgarians and Romanians,from 1203)
"Thus, taking this into account, we have decided since long, through our envoy or our letters, that we should pay a visit to your lordship, so that,realizing your faith to the Roman Church,Your Mother, we might then send to you,WHO SAY THAT YOU ARE A DESCENDENT OF THE NOBLE KIN OF THE ROMANS...As, he (God the Father) will help you to be a ROMAN in this wordily life and for your Eternal Salvation by your own striving, the same as you are BY YOUR DESCENT; and he shall help the people of your country, which say that they are the OMANS,blood and flesh".
Enea Silvio Piccolomini, "Cosmography" 1501.
"Transilvania...,it is inhabited by three peoples: the Saxons, the Szecklers and the ROMANIANS. The Saxons had come from Saxony,and are strong men,used to the struggle... The Szecklers are considered the most ancient Hungarians...,The ROMANIANS are of Italian stock..., A colony of the ROMANS was settled there (Dacia) to keep a tight rein over Dacians under the leadership of a certain Flaccus, after whose name the coutry was called Flacohia and its inhabitants were called VLACHS instead of Flacci. This people speaks now a ROMAN idiom, although partly changed,and hardly understood by an Italian".
Francesco della Valle,1532,
(Secretary of Aloisio Gritti,a natural son to Doge Andrea ritti).
"The Romanians(Vlachs) are of Italian stock, and according to them, they are the descendants of the OLD ROMANS". The anonymous notary of King Bela,Gesta Hungarorum. "For, after king Attila's death,the ROMANS called the soil of Panonia a graze field as,their herds used to graze in the country of Panonia. And they were right in calling the Panonian soil the grazing fields of the ROMANS, as even nowadays, the ROMANIANS(Vlachs) feed their sheep on the Hungarian estates".