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Whose father was a gambler and mother was a tailor?

Question #101763. Asked by star_gazer.
Last updated Apr 14 2023.

BRY2K star
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BRY2K star
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Answer has 2 votes.
Eric Burdon's?

I believe that these professions are in refernce to the following lyrics from "House of the Rising Sun", made popular by Eric Burdon & The Animals:

My mother was a tailor
She sewed my new bluejeans
My father was a gamblin' man
Down in New Orleans


Response last updated by CmdrK on Apr 14 2023.
Dec 17 2008, 6:14 PM
McGruff star
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McGruff star
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Made popular by, but the lyrics (and the music) are much older. There are existing recordings from as early as 1928, and it was collected by folklorist Alan Lomax in the Archive of American Folk Song for the Library of Congress in 1937. Its origin was already lost by that time.

Early Animals video, a bit hokey looking now, but the 1964 recording stands the test of time:

Unfortunately, Burdon's voice has not held up:
"The oldest known existing recording is by versatile Smoky Mountain artists Clarence "Tom" Ashley and Gwen Foster and was made in 1933. Ashley said he had learned it from his grandfather, Enoch Ashley. Alger "Texas" Alexander's The Risin' Sun, which was recorded in 1928, is sometimes mentioned as the first recording, but this is a completely different song. The Callahan Brothers recorded the song in 1934."


Response last updated by Terry on Sep 19 2016.
Dec 18 2008, 12:06 AM
Arpeggionist star
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Arpeggionist star
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Answer has 1 vote.
Though he never described himself as a professional gambler, nor did others describe him that way, Jacob Brahms had a betting problem, and what little cash he was able to make at times he was often apt to waste on wayward pursuits such as raising pets which he couldn't take care of. (The source here is Ian Swafford's biography of Brahms.) His first wife, Christiane Niessen, was a seamstress by trade. They had three children, one of whom achieved some fame and fortune in the music business - Johannes Brahms.

Dec 18 2008, 5:37 AM
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19 year member
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Answer has 2 votes.
"Brahms's father, Johann Jakob Brahms, came to Hamburg from Schleswig-Holstein, seeking a career as a town musician... He married Johanna Henrika Christiane Nissen, a seamstress, who was seventeen years older than he was.....
"It is a long-told tale that Brahms was forced in his early teens to play the piano in bars that doubled as brothels; recently Brahms scholar Kurt Hoffman has suggested that this legend is false. Since Brahms himself clearly originated the story, however, some have questioned Hoffman's theory."


Response last updated by Terry on Sep 19 2016.
Dec 18 2008, 10:20 PM
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