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Which cities have been the capital of Morocco?

Question #102063. Asked by author.
Last updated Jun 22 2021.

Matthew_07 star
Answer has 7 votes
Matthew_07 star
18 year member
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Answer has 7 votes.
The current capital is Rabat.


Response last updated by gtho4 on Jun 22 2021.
Jan 02 2009, 11:11 AM
Answer has 10 votes
Currently Best Answer
16 year member
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Answer has 10 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
Aghmat and Marrakech.

The area that now corresponds to Morocco was fought over, defended and divided over the centuries.
"After the death of Idris II in 828, Morocco was divided among his sons. Aghmāt became capital of the Sous region under the Idrisid prince Abd Allah...By 1068/1069, the population of the city had grown considerably, and Abu-Bakr decided to construct a new capital. He founded Marrakech in 1070, after which Aghmāt declined."

"Marrakesh is the third largest city in Morocco after Casablanca and Rabat. The name Morocco derived from the name of the city of Marrakesh, as the country was known to early travellers as Marrakesh. Prior to the advent of the Almoravids in the 11th century, the area was ruled from the city of Aghmat. The Almoravid leader, Abu-Bakr Ibn-Umar decided Aghmat was becoming overcrowded and chose to build a new capital. He decided to build it in the plains near the Tansift river. He chose the site of Marrakech, because it was in neutral territory between two tribes who were vying for the honor of hosting the new capital."

Jan 02 2009, 2:35 PM
Answer has 9 votes
23 year member
2834 replies

Answer has 9 votes.
I think you should add Fez.

Fes has been the capital of Morocco several times in the past, the last of which ended in 1912, when most of Morocco came under French control and Rabat was chosen to be the capital of the new colony, a status retained even when Morocco achieved independence in 1956.


Jan 02 2009, 8:50 PM
wellenbrecher star
Answer has 8 votes
wellenbrecher star
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Answer has 8 votes.
Don't forget Meknès.
Meknes became the capital of Morocco under the reign of Sultan Moulay Ismaïl (1672-1727), son of the founder of the Alaouite dynasty. (...) After the end of the Marinid and Wattasid periods, however, Meknes suffered from neglect as the new Saadian dynasty (16th and early 17th century) focused their attention on their capital at Marrakesh and neglected the old northern cities of Morocco.

Source: link

Mar 14 2021, 12:36 PM
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