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I am looking for a movie about a girl who is killed in a car crash that comes back and associates with a teen boy. He is the only person who can see her, to everyone else she is invisible. Any ideas?

Question #102280. Asked by all4him.
Last updated Dec 25 2016.

looney_tunes star
Answer has 15 votes
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looney_tunes star
19 year member
3319 replies avatar

Answer has 15 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
"Suzie Q" (1996)
"Plot --- Susie Q was going to a dance one night when she and her boyfriend got into a car crash and fell off a bridge. Years later, a teenager named Zach Sands moves into Susie's old house. Zach's father died in a car accident so his family is his mother and his sister, Penny Sands. One night, Zach sees Susie, and she discovers the he can see her. Then Susie explains to Zach, there is a Heaven. But after death people are sent back to Earth to help their families. And sometimes when they can't help by themselves, they get special help. And that is why Zach can see her. So that he could help her family. In fact, Zach is the only one who can see Susie. And on the way, Zach falls in love with Susie. Is their love divine?"

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Response last updated by gtho4 on Dec 25 2016.
Jan 12 2009, 10:37 PM
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