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What's the difference between obalisque and obelisk?

Question #102412. Asked by tobertz_20.

Nanumi star
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Nanumi star
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There is no OBALISQUE but ODALISQUE. Odalisque and Obelisk are 2 different terms.
The OBELISK, called TEJEN in the sacred language of the ancient Egyptians, was a term which was synonymous with "protection" or "defense." The needle of stone had the function of perforating the clouds and dispersing negative forces that always threaten to accumulate, in the form of visible storms or invisible ones, and was placed over the temple as a symbol of a petrified ray. The word "Obelisk" comes from the Greek obeliskos, meaning a prong for
roasting. It is a stone that is frequently monolithic, of a quadrangular base, placed upright and ending with a pointed top.

An odalisque (Turkish : Odalýk) was a virgin female slave in an Ottoman seraglio. She was an assistant or apprentice to the concubines and wives, and she might rise in status to become one of them. Most odalisques were part of the harem that is, the household, of the sultan The word appears in a French form, and originates from the Turkish odalýk, meaning "chambermaid ", from oda, "chamber" or "room". It can also be transliterated odahlic, odalisk, and odaliq.

Jan 18 2009, 5:55 AM
zbeckabee star
Answer has 5 votes
zbeckabee star
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Answer has 5 votes.
I suspect you're shooting for obelisque with an e (not a):

obelisk nm obélisque (Monument)

In which case, obelisque is French for obelisk.



Jan 18 2009, 10:18 AM
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