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Why do Greasers and Socs dislike each other and what type of people belong to each group?

Question #102998. Asked by fatima28.
Last updated Sep 14 2021.

Answer has 10 votes
Currently Best Answer
16 year member
388 replies

Answer has 10 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
The conflict between the Greasers and the Socs is rooted in class distinctions. The Socs are rich; they have influence and power in their society. They get preferential treatment, even when they break the law in acts of selfishness and arrogance. The Greasers, on the other hand, are poor and powerless. They have no social standing. Their crimes are born out of their poverty and are punished. No breaks for them.

The Socs and the Greasers feel contempt for each other for these reasons. Each group feels superior to the other in one way or another. Greasers and Socs live in different worlds. There is no understanding between them. Generally speaking, they do not relate to each other as individuals, but only as members of an opposing, hated social class.


Response last updated by satguru on Sep 14 2021.
Feb 14 2009, 4:40 PM
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