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In how many different directions does the Earth move at the same time?

Question #10439. Asked by Django.

Answer has 8 votes
Currently Best Answer
18 year member
317 replies

Answer has 8 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
Strictly the earth can not move more than one direction at a time, otherwise it would split asunder. However I think I know what you mean. I have come up with at least 5 directions.
1) It is spinning once every day.
2) It orbits the Sun once a year.
3) The axis of the spinning of the Earth, actually moves (called precession) every 22,000 years, so that TODAY Polaris is overhead at the North Pole, in a thousand years time it will not be.
4) The earth moves with the rest of the Solar System around the center of our galaxy the Milky Way) every 225,000,000 years.
5) Our local group of galaxies are rushing through space relative to other groups of galaxies.

Feb 14 2001, 9:03 AM
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