An isogram (also known as a "nonpattern word") is a logological term for a word or phrase without a repeating letter.
In the book "Making the Alphabet Dance", Ross Eckler reports the word "subdermatoglyphic" (17 letters) can be found in Lowell Goldmith's article Chaos: To See a World in a Grain of Sand and a Heaven in a Wild Flower.
The longest German isogram is "Heizölrückstoßabdämpfung" (heating oil recoil dampening) with 24 letters.
As Homer Simpson said: "Boy, those Germans have a word for everything!"
In addition to being an isogram, the word "uncopyrighable" is lexically ambiguous. That is to say, it could mean "able of being uncopyrighted," or the very different, "unable of being copyrighted."