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What is Australia's most popular iced coffee?

Question #105116. Asked by scottietwenty3.

looney_tunes star
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looney_tunes star
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Assuming that "the one made at my favorite cafe" is not an acceptable response, the answer varies depending on where you consider within the country. Different brands of commercial Iced Coffee have different distribution areas, and dramatic regional variations as to which is the most popular.

"Iced coffee has been sold commercially in Australia since the late 19th century in the form of a syrup, an example of which is Bushells Coffe and Chickory Essence, and more recently as a prepackaged, ready to consume drink.

One popular brand is Farmers Union Iced Coffee, which outsells Coca Cola in South Australia and has become an official icon and legend in that state. This particular brand is now widely available in Queensland (as far north as Mackay), Northern Territory, Victoria, New South Wales and Tasmania. The product is not yet available in Western Australia.

Pauls Iced Coffee is the second most popular drink in the Northern Territory, after beer. It is not available outside of the Northern Territory, save for rare instances when it is sold in Dili, East Timor.

Other varieties include Big M, Ice Break, Brownes Iced Coffee Chill, Brownes Coffee Chill, Brownes Dome Cappucino Supershake, Brownes Mocha Chill, Dare, Masters Espresso, Masters Iced Coffee and Max Iced Coffee."

I must say that I have seen few of these brands in my suburb!


Apr 28 2009, 2:36 AM
Answer has 3 votes
16 year member
388 replies

Answer has 3 votes.
Agreed it's a lot to do with where you live. I think though now that Farmers Union is sold at places like Maccas it would be the country's most popular.

In 2003 Australians consumed in excess of 22,000,000 litres of Farmers Union Iced coffee, making it Australia's best selling flavoured milk drink/milk shake at that time.


Apr 28 2009, 2:59 AM
Midget40 star
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Midget40 star
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Answer has 4 votes.
Okay, standing up for the Sandgropers here. We don't have it so it's not our favourite LOL.

Masters dairy produces multiple iced coffee products here and they win hands down over anyone else:

"Masters flavoured milk is a Western Australian icon that is known and loved by people of all ages.

Masters is available in a range of great flavours including Iced Coffee, Chocolate, Mocha, Spearmint, Strawberry and new Double Strength Iced Coffee. There are also three great tasting Light variants; Iced Coffee, Chocolate and Mocha, which are 99% fat free.

Masters is proudly produced in WA and is the #1 flavoured milk brand in this market."


This is an excerpt of a reply to an E-mail that someone sent to Farmers Union to ask them to supply their product in WA. Even they know they can't compete with Masters!

"Dear Peter, Thank you for your recent email regarding our Farmers Union Iced Coffee products. I regret to advise you that unfortunately, the Farmers Union Iced Coffee product is not manufactured in or distributed to Western Australia as our Masters Milk products are our prominent brand in WA. Kind regards, Consumer Enquiry Representative, National Foods."


Apr 28 2009, 5:22 AM
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