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Which female holds the record for the fastest quarter mile by a woman?

Question #105325. Asked by madkeen4.

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Kitty O'Neil

0 to 412 MPH at 3.22 seconds


May 05 2009, 1:05 AM
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It looks like Eileen Collins, astronaut:
The woman to fly the fastest for many years was Jackie Cochran, who flew 842 mph in 1961. That record stood for many years. In 1963, Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman in space, although those days there was actually little flying done by astronauts during the fastest part of their missions.

Today's aeronautical records aren't divided into male and female categories. There are many women who fly supersonic fighter jets in the Air Force and Navy, for instance, who have likely flown faster than 1,400 mph. Of course, the ultimate would probably be held by Eileen Collins, who in 1999 commanded the space shuttle Columbia. Since that shuttle flies at approximately 17,000 mph at some points, that would certainly make her a contender for that accomplishment.


May 05 2009, 2:16 AM
madkeen4 star
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madkeen4 star
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Answer has 2 votes.
Thanks scottie right on the money. I know it wasn't specified, however when talking in terms of speed over 1/4 mile, this refers to ON THE GROUND.

May 05 2009, 5:21 AM
goobas star
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goobas star
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Answer has 3 votes.
Adding the speed of the earth through space, Ms. Collins was traveling much faster.
574,585 MPH Speed of Earth within Our Galaxy.
You can then add the speed of the galaxy to come up with an even faster speed if you really want to.

May 05 2009, 7:19 AM
ghosttowner star
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ghosttowner star
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The world record for running the "fastest" quarter mile on land by a woman is 47.60 by Marita Koch of East Germany. The record was set on October 6, 1985 in Canberra Australia.


May 05 2009, 3:33 PM
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