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Who is the main character of 'Futurama'?

Question #105468. Asked by Ashleypauline.
Last updated Jan 18 2017.

looney_tunes star
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looney_tunes star
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Answer has 6 votes.

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Philip J Fry (called Fry) is the main character, although there are several other characters centrally involved in most episodes.

"Futurama is essentially a workplace sitcom whose plot revolves around the Planet Express delivery company and its employees, a small group that doesn't conform to future society. Episodes invariably feature the central trio of Fry, Leela and Bender, though storylines centered on the other main characters are common."

Philip J Fry is a pizza delivery boy accidentally sent from January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2999. Turanga Leela is the one-eyed mutant captain of the spaceship, who grew up thinking she was an orhaned alien. Bender Bending Rodriguez is a heavy drinking, cigar-smoking, kleptomaniacal, misanthropic, egocentric, ill-tempered robot. Other regualr characters include Professor Farnsworth, Doctor Zoidberg, Amy Wong, Hermes Conrad, Zap Brannigan, Kif Kroker and Nibbler.


May 10 2009, 4:23 PM
Answer has 4 votes
16 year member
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Answer has 4 votes.
Main character.

1. Philip J. Fry

Born in 1974, Fry is an average, thoroughly unremarkable, 25-year-old (at the start of the series, although if the time frozen is counted, Fry is actually 1025 years old) pizza delivery boy who, during the last few seconds of year 1999, accidentally falls into a cryogenic freezing tank while delivering pizza on a prank call. He subsequently remains frozen for 1,000 years, finally thawing out on the last day of the year 2999 (which technically means he was not frozen for exactly 1,000 years, or he would have unfroze just after the turn of the 30th century), when he meets the one-eyed career officer Turanga Leela, and a cigar smoking, booze fueled, kleptomaniac robot Bender. Together, they are employed by Fry's great(x30) nephew, the senile and demented old scientist Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth, as the spaceship crew of his delivery company. In his old life Fry had an older brother, Yancy, and a girlfriend, Michelle, who dumped him in the first episode, "Space Pilot 3000", just before he was frozen. Having been subsequently left by her new boyfriend, Michelle froze herself and re-appears in the season two finale "The Cryonic Woman".


Response last updated by CmdrK on Jan 18 2017.
May 10 2009, 7:57 PM
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