What is the largest home and away crowd for a non-final AFL game?
Question #105501. Asked by scottietwenty3.
Last updated Apr 20 2023.
Answer has 1 vote
demurechicky 18 year member
121 replies
Answer has 1 vote.
'The Sydney Swans v Collingwood AFL match at Telstra Stadium on Saturday 23 August 2003 set an attendance record for the largest crowd to watch an AFL game outside of Victoria with 72,393 spectators (near capacity) attending and was the largest home-and-away AFL crowd at any Australian stadium for 2003.'
No its higher than that, you have posted the reord for attendance for the largest crowd to watch an AFL game outside of Victoria.
May 12 2009, 12:33 AM
Answer has 5 votes
looney_tunes 19 year member
3326 replies
Answer has 5 votes.
The largest home & away crowd was a Carlton home game in round 20, 2000 – 91,571. (Although the reference is a story about a Carlton-Essendon match, and may just be referring to matches between these two clubs. Being two of the clubs with the largest memberships, and given the capacity of football stadiums, this is probably close to the, if not the, largest.)
carltonfc.com.au/tabid/4311/default.aspx?newsid=74666 no longer exists
Response last updated by gtho4 on Apr 20 2023.
May 12 2009, 1:27 AM
The top four H&A records all had Collingwood playing, and they were all at The Gee except one:
99,346 1958 Melbourne v Collingwood MCG
94,825 1995 Collingwood v Essendon MCG
92,935 1981 Hawthorn v Collingwood Waverley Park
92,436 1977 Richmond v Collingwood MCG