Up until that time, probably. Since then, the AK-47 assault rifle has undoubtedly killed more people than the Roman gladius ever did.
"The AK design was spread to over 55 national armies and dozens of paramilitary groups.
"The proliferation of this weapon is reflected by more than just numbers. The AK is included in the flag of Mozambique and its coat of arms,... It is also found in the coat of arms of Zimbabwe and East Timor, the revolution era coat of arms of Burkina Faso, the flag of Hezbollah, and the logo of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.
"After the fall of the Soviet Union, AK-47s were sold both openly and on the black market to any group with cash, including drug cartels and dictatorial states, and most recently they have been seen in the hands of terrorist factions such as the Taliban and Al-Qaida in Afghanistan and Iraq and even FARC guerrillas in Colombia."
"Weapons of mass destruction such as the atomic bomb have stoked fears of a nuclear apocalypse. But when the history of the late 20th century is finally written, the humble AK-47 assault rifle will arguably take pride of place as the world's most destructive weapon of mass destruction.
"According to Mr Larry Kahaner, the author of 'AK-47: The Weapon That Changed The Face of War,' this weapon is the firearm of choice for at least 50 standing armies and countless fighting forces from Africa and the Middle East to Central America and Los Angeles. He writes: 'The AK-47 has become the world's most prolific and effective combat weapon, a device so cheap and simple that it can be bought in many countries for less than the cost of a live chicken.'"