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Did Se7en, born Choi Dong Wook, and Wheesung have plastic surgey?

Question #106138. Asked by marfa96.
Last updated Apr 22 2023.

busted123 star
Answer has 1 vote
busted123 star
17 year member
51 replies

Answer has 1 vote.
First will tell you what I found about Dongwook (or DongWook), or since he has trademarked this name to use here in the US, Se7en. He was born in 1984 and is about 24; he trained to be both a singer and dancer and he's done acting, and though one program didn't work out, he remains positive; he learned Japanese and has a Japanese record label, Nexstar; he is always in the 'party' scene pictures here in the US where he's been touring this year and I like the song I heard at his site: where you can go to his facebook, twitter and all other 'puter gadgets. As for "plastic surgery" -I highly doubt he has had that done, mainly because of his age and the many pics available for a look at his site(s).

I am also quoting some from [no longer exists] but mainly from what I saw and heard myself at the first link(s). The one first up at Google had his name on it but mainly was selling "organic skin care products" - which I'd say he uses - and I'd also venture a guess he is not adverse to selling lots of things.

On to Wheesung - he also has a Korean-language site if you prefer that, you can link to them. Se7en is from South Korea. Dom Wheesung also has Yahoo! 360 -but I was invited to leave immediately as I don't go 360 myself. At this link you can find a pic of his singing partner at one time in the US, Lena Park; pics of him were at Yahoo! 360 as well, though only a few compared to DongWook has, and not as welcoming. Still, though Wheesung appeared to be in bed (do you think they are the same person? hmm) he didn't look 'operated on' or anything, it was just a "go away" pic.

I like the music a lot, I must say that. I would also say there is no sure way to know of any "surgery"- it's not mentioned in blogs or on twitter- no hints. Just the skin care product. These are young performers who hope they are on their way to stay with the stars and do as they would like to. I say sure, do all you can guys, do it when you can and recall it always. Life is, actually, connected.

Response last updated by gtho4 on Apr 22 2023.
Jun 12 2009, 9:10 AM
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