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What is the difference between a compound and a mixture?

Question #106291. Asked by BaronBatty.
Last updated Sep 12 2016.

looney_tunes star
Answer has 78 votes
looney_tunes star
19 year member
3326 replies avatar

Answer has 78 votes.
One way of classifying matter is as element, compound or mixture.

An element contains only atoms with the same number of protons, and hence the same atomic number (although they may have different mass numbers, and should not be referred to as 'identical').

A compound contains atoms of two or more different elements that are chemically combined to form a substance whose physical and chemical properties are different from those of the constituent elements, although determined by them.

A mixture contains multiple elements or compounds that are mixed together but not chemically bonded. The components can be separated by physical means.

The elements sodium and chlorine can react to form the compound sodium chloride (salt). If sodium chloride is dissolved in water, the solution is a mixture. The two substances that were mixed can be separated by crystallisation (if you are most interested in the salt) or by distillation (if you are most interested in the water).


Jun 12 2009, 10:08 PM
zbeckabee star
Answer has 143 votes
Currently Best Answer
zbeckabee star
19 year member
11752 replies avatar

Answer has 143 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.

1. It is a pure substance.
2. It can not be separated by physical method.
3. Element loose their properties in a compound.
4. Its composition is fixed through out its mass.
5. It has fixed melting point.

1. It is an impure substance.
2. It can be separate by physical method.
3. Substances forming mixture retain their properties.
4. It has no fixed composition.
5. It has no sharp melting point.


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Response last updated by Terry on Sep 12 2016.
Jun 13 2009, 5:20 AM
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