Does the original "Starcase" from Escape to Witch mountain still exist somewhere?
Question #106311. Asked by Johnnyboy76.
Last updated Sep 07 2021.
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busted123 17 year member
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I sure don't know if the "original" star case from "Escape to Witch Mountain" is still existing, but if it is and it's still in good enough condition, it will have been used again, most likely, for "Return to Witch Mountain" or "Back to Witch Mountain" or at the very least it was used for the short productions about that mountain made by the Disney company. The first "Escape from..." was from 1975, made for the big screen - the second version, from 1995, was made for TV. "Race to Witch Mountain" has apparently been in theaters, and so far "Beyond Witch Mountain" has already been on TV. The Disney Show has a pretty long name, but as you know, it will mention "Witch Mountain" in it; I recall that it did. That was supposed to be released this year [2009].Use the Wiki link below, hit your end key and find the blue link under "External Links" there that says 'Imbd' after it: Internet Movie Data Base.