The hat in question may be the one used with his military uniform. I once saw a documentary on Hitler which went into some length about his hat being designed as a helmet and consequently being very heavy. I haven't heard anything about it before or since and have often wondered if it was true.
Aug 02 2009, 5:04 PM
Answer has 4 votes
smartee123 18 year member
14 replies
Answer has 4 votes.
Oh sorry about that, then you probably mean his visor cap. I'm trying to find another resource on that. Here is a forum discussing that specific topic, according to what others say, it was probably custom made and a guard of Hitler's said he had been built to be bulletproof. [no longer exists]
"It is generally thought among conspirators to guard against attempts of assassinations, Hitler would have worn a bulletproof waistcoat and cap". This is taken from the below link (Google books), it talks a bit about Hitler's cap (be careful with scrolling the page)
Response last updated by gtho4 on May 02 2023.
Aug 02 2009, 5:37 PM