The following site provides 21 of the most expensive food products in the world.
Aug 02 2009, 2:37 PM
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smartee123 18 year member
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There are contradicting answers from websites but:
Saffron, a spice/herb for food, has been sold from $500 to $5,000 per pound due to the resources and labor. Beluga caviar has been sold for $2,400 per pound. The white truffle (a mushroom) was once sold for about 3.3 pounds at $330,000 to a casino (assuming my math is correct) that is roughly $100,000 per pound. Lastly, there was also a fruitcake that was sold for $1.65 million.
Though one would suspect that particular dishes in top hotels and bistros probably have time limited 'specials'.
Not mentioned in the link, but I think there was a dessert somewhere in the Middle East made out of platinum that was just criminal and affront to humanity at it's price.
Dec 08 2012, 6:39 PM
Answer has 3 votes
Calpurnia09 16 year member
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Answer has 3 votes.
Hoyts Saffron is considerably more expensive. In an Australian supermarket it is shown at $1212 per 10 grams which makes it $121,200 per kilogram.