fajita is made from grilled meats, vegetables, dressings (like guacamole) and eaten by rolling it all up in warmed tortillas with beans and rice on the side. A fajita is pretty much finger food.
buritto is generally larger and more ambitious. It is a large tortilla, filled with meats, vegetables, cheese, dressings, beans, and or rice, then rolled up tight. They can be eaten with fingers but it is usually too big - fork and knife are often needed.
A common Mexican-American dish that is traditionally made of skirt steak marinated in lime juice, oil, garlic and red pepper then cooked. The meat is then wrapped in a flour tortilla and garnished with things like grilled peppers and onions, guacamole, sour cream and cheese. Other meats like chicken, fish or shrimp can be substituted for steak.
Burritos are a traditional Mexican food that was designed as a portable, ready-to-eat meal and often packed into saddlebags. They consist of a filling, usually made up of any combination of cooked, ready-to-eat ingredients like meat, a sauce, refried beans, and cheese, which are wrapped in a flour tortilla.
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