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What is the difference between a fajita and a burrito?

Question #108298. Asked by star_gazer.
Last updated May 15 2021.

KatieK54 star
Answer has 29 votes
Currently Best Answer
KatieK54 star
23 year member
12 replies avatar

Answer has 29 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
A fajita is made from grilled meats, vegetables, dressings (like guacamole) and eaten by rolling it all up in warmed tortillas with beans and rice on the side. A fajita is pretty much finger food.

A buritto is generally larger and more ambitious. It is a large tortilla, filled with meats, vegetables, cheese, dressings, beans, and or rice, then rolled up tight. They can be eaten with fingers but it is usually too big - fork and knife are often needed.

A common Mexican-American dish that is traditionally made of skirt steak marinated in lime juice, oil, garlic and red pepper then cooked. The meat is then wrapped in a flour tortilla and garnished with things like grilled peppers and onions, guacamole, sour cream and cheese. Other meats like chicken, fish or shrimp can be substituted for steak.

Burritos are a traditional Mexican food that was designed as a portable, ready-to-eat meal and often packed into saddlebags. They consist of a filling, usually made up of any combination of cooked, ready-to-eat ingredients like meat, a sauce, refried beans, and cheese, which are wrapped in a flour tortilla.

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See also: link

Response last updated by Terry on Oct 09 2016.
Aug 26 2009, 9:38 PM
Answer has 5 votes

Answer has 5 votes.
Fajitas: This is a Tex Mexican dish. grilled meat (beef, pork, chicken) and veggies usually bell peppers, onions, cheese, salsa, sour cream, guacamole, and a wedge of lime are to be wrapped in a corn or flour tortilla. The tortilla is warm and soft and you fill it with some or all of the above mentioned items. The amount of fajitas you can make is based on how many of the items you choose and how much of each you use. Also, how long the tortillas hold out.

Burritos: A wrapped flour tortilla filled with just about anything you like. Typically beans, meat, chicken and chili peppers with or without cheese. The meat can be ground beef but more often it's shredded. These are served warm. They can also be fried. They can be eaten out of hand plain or served on a bed of lettuce. They are often served with salsa, guacamole, sour cream.
At restaurants, they are served to you prewrapped with the some items mentioned above. webpage no longer exists

Response last updated by gtho4 on May 15 2021.
Aug 26 2009, 9:42 PM
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