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In which episode of "All That" did the parody "Without Meat" belong in?

Question #108888. Asked by ThurstAsh.

Answer has 4 votes
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17 year member
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Answer has 4 votes.

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Hope I got this right. "Without Meat" was a parody of the Eminem song "Without Me" performed by Fleminem on the Nickelodeon TV show All That in 2003. Fleminem's real name is Jack DeSena. I searched 2003 All That episodes and Jack DeSena appears in the episode on 5-11-03.

This is the Nickelodeon version, (well, some of it) performed by Fleminem. It's not like the other ones, it's the real one. I just posted it because it was one of the big parodies on Nick so a lot of people might want to see it on a parody site or just for the hell of it. I don't know the whole thing, but I'm sure I can download it somewhere. So if you like this parody, give Fleminem (Jack DeSena) the credit because I didn't write it.

2 cows, round the outside, round the outside, round the outside
4 cows, round the outside, round the outside, round the outside

Meat is back, back again. Meat is back, tell a friend. Meat is back, meat is back, meat is back, meat is back, meat is back, meat is back, meat is back.

So the FDA won't let me eat,
or let me eat meat so let me see,
they tried to shut me down on Nick TV,
but it feels so empty, without meat.

Now this looks like a lunch for me,
so everybody, just let me eat,
cuz we need a little, pork or beef,
cuz it feels so empty without meat.

Sometimes it just seems,
everybody only wants to discuss meat,
so this must mean meat's disgusting,
but that's just meat it's just obscene.

Now this looks like a lunch for me,
so everybody, just let me eat,
cuz we need a little, pork or beef,
cuz it feels so empty, without meat.

Fleminem - From the TV show All That (2003).

A pair of rowdy sports fans (Jack DeSena, Shane Lyons) offer encouragement to a couple on their first date; and a profile of “Brothers Garcia” star Jeffrey Licon is peppered with false information. Also: Jennifer Love Hewitt sings.

Sep 25 2009, 12:30 AM
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