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You are more likely to die from a champagne cork than a plane crash. Are there any statistics on how many people have died from champagne corks?

Question #110995. Asked by great2beme.
Last updated Oct 06 2021.

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18 year member
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Apparently not.

And, so far as I can tell, that would have to be a highly individualized statistic, since some people live their whole lives without being in the vicinity of a flying cork and some never board a plane nor live under a flight path.

Corks shouldn't go flying, anyway. But, when they do, turn your head! Getting hit in the eye is indeed a danger.

Champagne corks, happily abundant in many cultures at summer weddings and sports victory parties, boast a famously dark side. “I never remove an injured eye unless there is absolutely no chance for it to be pieced together. And yet I have had to enucleate a number of cork-ruptured eyes,” Dr. Kuhn said. Oddly, eye injuries from champagne corks are a hundredfold more common in Hungary than the United States. Why? “Because in the U.S. there are warning labels on these bottles, and in Hungary there are none. Even in an unshaken, well-chilled bottle of champagne, the pressure is three times higher than the pressure in your car tire. That cork leaves the bottle at a fantastic speed. And so a warning label is both warranted and, apparently, effective.”
[Original 2009 article from no longer online]

More technical:
"The incidence varied between six and two cases a year (average 3.89). Bottle cork and cap injuries represent 11% of all injuries admitted to our department in the period considered in our series. In details: nine patients recovered totally, 22 patients recovered partially, three patients had a severe visual outcome ( link

I'd send a correction notice on that question.

Every unreliable site I've checked claims you're more likely to be killed by a champagne cork than by a poisonous spider. I'm quite sure that tidbit is wrong.

Response last updated by CmdrK on Jun 02 2021.
Nov 23 2009, 8:23 PM
Answer has 3 votes
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Answer has 3 votes.
I agree with QP, otherwise the Lawrence Welk Show would've been a bloodbath. (Where's Bobby??? Where's Cissy?!?!?)

Perhaps more people are blinded by champagne corks than die in plane crashes?


Nov 23 2009, 10:04 PM
Answer has 3 votes
18 year member
2119 replies

Answer has 3 votes.
Ironic--I just got this same question on the Monster Quiz today. ;) You're one day ahead of me!

It's Question #9425, taken from Quiz #30337. I've sent the proper correction notice.


Response last updated by satguru on Oct 06 2021.
Nov 24 2009, 7:43 PM
Baloo55th star
Answer has 2 votes
Baloo55th star
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Answer has 2 votes.
It's yet another one of those copied but never checked 'facts' that someone inventing a book of lists has come up with. Like the elephant being the only mammal (or sometimes animal, even) that can't jump. Forgetting rhinos, sloths, walruses etc..... Good job we've got such a crack team of nitpickers, disbelievers and inveterate checkers here.

Nov 25 2009, 5:38 AM
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