Reserved Occupations
Reserved occupations included (though these were subject to review):
* Dock Workers
* Miners
* Farmers
* Scientists
* Merchant Seamen
* Railway Workers
* Utility Workers - Water, Gas, Electricity
* teachers and university lecturers
* Doctors (Unless in the Territorial Army)
* Police officers
* Certain Civil Servants
* Students (Only for the duration of their studies. Undergraduates were deferred, but not fully exempted. They could be conscripted at the end of their studies, unless they had a criminal record or ill health)
* Priests, monks, nuns and anyone in Holy orders
* Journalists (Though they may have been sent to the front, even running the risk of being shot or held by the enemies as spies)
Some artists involved in propaganda work
Other media workers (especially those involved in technical roles, such as lighting engineers, electricians, cameramen, photographers, sound engineers, etc)
Anyone running a small business, including government and local council contractors and their employees.
Local authourity employees
Bank employees and employees of insurance companies
Company directors.