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What are the big four OMG (outlaw motorcycle groups) that are known as 1%ers ?

Question #112388. Asked by hansdelbruk.

Answer has 4 votes
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17 year member
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Answer has 4 votes.

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The term One Percenter is said to have been coined after an incident in Hollister, California in 1947[34][35] which was dubbed the Hollister riot. Whether an actual riot occurred is debatable,[36][37][38] but there was a motorcycle rally in Hollister from July 4 to July 6 of that year that was attended by about 4000 people. Several newspaper articles were written that, according to some attendees, sensationalized the event.[38][37][39] Life magazine ran an article that included a staged photo of a slovenly-looking man on a motorcycle with beer bottles piled under the wheels and a bottle in each of his hands.[40] The film The Wild One, starring Marlon Brando, was inspired by this event, and it became the first in a series of movies that depicted bikers and members of motorcycle clubs in this stereotypical manner. It has been reported that the press asked the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) to comment on the Hollister incident, and their response was that 99% of motorcyclists were law-abiding citizens, and the last one percent were outlaws. Thus was born the term "one percenter." The AMA now says they have no record of such a statement to the press, and call this story apocryphal.[41] They are also known as Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs or OMGs according to the ATF.


Jan 25 2010, 11:12 AM
Answer has 3 votes
17 year member
2385 replies

Answer has 3 votes.
The U.S. Department of Justice defines Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs as organizations whose members use their motorcycle clubs as conduits for criminal enterprises.[6] Both the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Criminal Intelligence Service Canada have designated four MCs as Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMGs), which are the Pagans, Hells Angels, Outlaws MC, and Bandidos,[58][59] known as the "Big Four".


Jan 25 2010, 11:15 AM
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