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Is Sanpaku used to tell if someone is mentally ill or physically ill? Or if they are near death?

Question #112542. Asked by serpa.

postcards2go star
Answer has 3 votes
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postcards2go star
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Answer has 3 votes.

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Sanpaku is a condition where the iris does not appear centered in the eye, with the sclera seen only on either side. Instead, sclera also is seen either under or over the iris.

In yin sanpaku, the sclera can be seen under the iris. This generally indicates outside forces causing a threat to the person... alcohol, medications, severe exhaustion... often leading to death. John Kennedy and Indira Gandhi had yin sanpaku eyes

In yang sanpaku, the sclera can be seen over the iris. This would indicate inside forces causing a threat to the person... mental instability and violence. Charles Manson has yang sanpaku eyes.

When people die, or are near death, there eyes tend to 'roll up', looking yin sanpaku.

So the answer would be all three, depending on the the type of sanpaku.


Feb 01 2010, 6:49 AM
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