Does the song "Alice's Restaurant" have the most words of any and all songs?
Question #115246. Asked by serpa.
Last updated Apr 10 2023.
Answer has 6 votes
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looney_tunes 19 year member
3326 replies
Answer has 6 votes.
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Not by a long shot.
Counting the words spoken over chords, I count 2633 words from these lyrics. no longer exists
The song "Trapped in the Closet with You" by R. Kelly has 5083 words.
I can't find the site again, but I found out about the R. Kelly song at a site that also included the suggestions of 'The Lost Tribe' (26:30mins) by Twelvetrees, and the Dutch National Anthem with 15 verses.
Response last updated by gtho4 on Apr 10 2023.
Jun 13 2010, 11:28 PM