Why are horses' heights measured to the shoulder rather than to the top of the head?
Question #115906. Asked by star_gazer.
Last updated May 18 2023.
Answer has 6 votes
Currently Best Answer
gtho4 Moderator 25 year member
2412 replies
Answer has 6 votes.
Currently voted the best answer.
The highest point of a horse is the top of its head (called a poll). As a horse can move its head up and down it is hard to take an accurate measurement from the ground to the top of its head. The height of a horse is therefore measured in a vertical line from the ground to the withers (at the base of the neck).
horseracinghistory.co.uk/hrho/jsp/education/measure.jsp no longer exists
Response last updated by gtho4 on May 18 2023.
Jul 11 2010, 7:28 AM