Where can I find and read the actual citation for General David Petraeus' Bronze Star Medal with V Device?
All such awards, even without acts of heroism, come with such detailed explanations; this one is difficult to find.
Question #116063. Asked by scalar.
Last updated Mar 21 2014.
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looney_tunes 19 year member
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According to this post from 2008, it is not available online.
"Where is the citation?
I think it is noteworthy that an Internet search for Petraeus’s bronze star citation turns up nothing by a whole bunch of other people also looking for it with no success. Some posts said that Petraeus was a major general when he got the Bronze Star with V device. I would characterize that award at that rank as extremely suspicious. Seems to me that if Petraeus is going to claim to be or acquiesce to others claiming he is a war hero, he needs to release his bronze star with V device citation. Such citations are typically publicized at the time of the award. Many recipients display in their homes or offices shadow boxes containing the citation and the medal. There are Web sites that contain the citations of every medal of honor ever awarded."
I asked my congressman if he could locate this information.
After a few months, I heard back that while a serviceman was on active duty, such citations were confidential and could only be released by his or her permission.
I can't find anywhere else if this is so.
It was suggested I write to the General himself for the info.
Jul 18 2010, 11:22 AM
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scalar 20 year member
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I did write General Petraeus but got no reply.
If the information I got from my congressman is correct, then the citation should now be public since he retired a week or two ago.
Still nothing recent in net searches, however.
Any ideas?
Sep 06 2011, 10:46 AM
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cag1970 23 year member
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Considering the conditions under which a Bronze Star medal is given, I would also find it suspicious that it would be accorded to a general officer, especially with a V (Valor) device.
There is such a thing as a bronze star that denotes award of a subsequent decoration, but that kind of bronze star does not include the V device.