Furthering the theme of insanity, the flip or B-side of the single was called "!aaaH-aH ,yawA eM ekaT oT gnimoC er'yehT" and the performer billed as "NOELOPAN VIX". It was simply the A-side played in reverse. In fact, most of the label affixed to that B-side was a mirror image of the front label (as opposed to simply being spelled backwards), including the letters in the "WB" shield logo. Only the label name, disclaimer, and record and recording master numbers were kept frontward. The backwards version does not appear on the original Warner Bros. album (or Rhino re-issue), although the title is shown on the front cover, whereas the title is actually spelled backwards. (In his Book of Rock Lists, rock critic Dave Marsh calls "!aaaH-aH ,yawA eM ekaT oT gnimoC er'yehT" the "most obnoxious song ever to appear in a jukebox", saying the recording once "cleared out a diner of forty patrons in three minutes flat.")