In all the years 'American Bandstand' aired which song holds the record as being the worst ever rated?
Question #116382. Asked by 29CoveRoad.
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serpa 17 year member
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The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late).
The song was very successful, reaching #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 Pop Singles chart, becoming The Chipmunks' first (and only), as well as David Seville's second and final, #1 single. It has the distinction of being the only Christmas record to reach #1 on the same chart. The single sold 4.5 million copies, according to Ross Bagdasarian, Jr. Ironically, before the song's success, "The Chipmunk Song" was featured on American Bandstand's "Rate-A-Record" segment and received the lowest possible rating of 35 across the board.