In the TV show "Firefly" in the episode "Shindig", what is the dance called that Mal and Inara danced?
Question #118215. Asked by schex.
Answer has 1 vote
dsimpy 15 year member
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Answer has 1 vote.
In the episode 'Shindig' it's described in the script as:
"The music begins for their dance -- it's a courtly and complicated dance, rather Regency England in style. Mal watches the other couples. It's easy at first, lots of walking around each other ..."
It goes on:
"The dance gets more complicated now, some tricky footwork. Inara and all the other dancers do it easily. Mal stumbles. He catches himself with hands around Inara's waist. As the music ends, he straightens himself out, grins at her."
There's no specific name given for it, as far as I've been able to ascertain - I guess you could call it the Shindig Dance. :)