Frank Divendal, from Alkmaar, Holland, is an unusual collector of bookmarks. He has written twelve
articles on bookmarks for the Dutch magazine Boekenpost in 1990s as well as two booklets in 1995
and 2003, which were published by the Dutch publishing house De Buitenkant, Amsterdam. I will tell
later about one of his witty booklets and about his unique personal bookmark. Frank works in the
administration division of the social security agency in Alkmaar, and in his free time and by the way
he established a new world record as the owner of the largest collection of bookmarks. When he was
listed in the Guinness Book of World Records in 2006, he owned 71'235 different bookmarks from all
over the world. Incredibly, as of January 2007, he now possesses more then 80'000 bookmarks.