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What is the logo on the cap of the Montréal Expos baseball team?

Question #12197. Asked by Sara.
Last updated Apr 10 2023.

Answer has 2 votes
25 year member
117 replies

Answer has 2 votes.
An M can clearly be traced on the perimeter of the logo. If you look really close, you can see an 'e' a 'j' and a 'b.' The 'ejb' are the initials of Bronfman's daughter.The E and B stand for Elizabeth Bronfman, she was born the same year the Expos were formed. It is a clever insignia that people have been questioning since it came into being. He wanted to include his daughter's initials in the logo.

May 31 2001, 4:07 AM
Answer has 3 votes

Answer has 3 votes.
A stylized "M" for Montreal, also forming a red "e" for Expos, and a blue "b" for baseball, coming together as "Montreal Expos Baseball.

Feb 08 2008, 2:04 AM
McGruff star
Answer has 6 votes
Currently Best Answer
McGruff star
25 year member
3694 replies avatar

Answer has 6 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
Logo: A stylized eMb, which stands for Expos de Montréal Baseball; the 'e' is in red, the 'M' in white and blue, and the 'b' in blue.

Question: I was wondering what the letters in the Expos M logo stand for. From what I can see there is an e, j, b and then the m in that one letter. I had once heard of what they stood for but can no longer remember.
Answer: First of all, there is a misconception out there that there is a J in the equation, but there isn't. Only the E, the B and the M as a whole. So it stands for Expos Baseball, and the M stands for Montreal, which goes as Montreal Expos Baseball, it's as simple as that. [website closed down]

Response last updated by gtho4 on Apr 10 2023.
Feb 09 2008, 12:42 AM
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