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What's the difference between lavash and pita ?

Question #122013. Asked by shimonbentzvi.

JaneofGaunt star
Answer has 4 votes
Currently Best Answer
JaneofGaunt star
23 year member
556 replies avatar

Answer has 4 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
Pita is a round pocket bread widely consumed in many Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, and Balkan cuisines. It is prevalent from the Balkans through Turkey, the Levant and the Arabian Peninsula. The "pocket" in pita bread is created by steam, which puffs up the dough. As the bread cools and flattens, a pocket is left in the middle.


Lavish is a soft, thin flatbread popular in several countries of the northern parts of the Middle-East and the southern parts of the Caucasus. Traditionally the dough is rolled out flat and slapped against the hot walls of a clay oven. Lavash is made with flour, water, and salt. The thickness of the bread varies and depends on how thin it's rolled out. Toasted sesame seeds and/or poppy seeds can be sprinkled on before baking.


Jun 19 2011, 6:02 PM
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