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What did the coroner's report list the cause of Brian Jones death to be?

Question #122153. Asked by star_gazer.
Last updated May 17 2023.

ssabreman star
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ssabreman star
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The coroner's report stated "death by misadventure", and noted his liver and heart were heavily enlarged by drug and alcohol abuse.


Jun 27 2011, 11:58 PM
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The death of former Rolling Stones guitarist Brian Jones is to be reviewed following new evidence, it has been revealed.

Police in Sussex were handed new information connected to the musician's untimely death 40 years ago.

Mr. Jones, was found dead at the bottom of a swimming pool at a house in Cotchford farm, Hartfield, East Sussex.

An inquest recorded a verdict of death by misadventure but speculation continued that he was murdered.

A spokesman for Sussex Police said the force had been handed documents connected with Jones's death, prompting the review.

But he added it was too early to launch a fresh investigation.

He added: "These papers will be examined by Sussex Police, but it is too early to comment at this time as to what the outcome will be."

Jones, who was 27 when he died, was a founding member of the Rolling Stones.


Jun 28 2011, 6:21 AM
mctavish99 star
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mctavish99 star
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The above item dates from August 2009. In November 2010, it was announced that the investigation would not be re-opened.

"DETECTIVES reviewing evidence about the death of Brian Jones have decided not to re-open their investigation. Mystery has surrounded his death for 40 years and last August police in the county announced the first review of the incident.

It was prompted by evidence handed over by The Mail on Sunday which suggested he was murdered. An inquest in to Jones's death recorded a verdict of misadventure although the post mortem report said there were no illegal drugs in his body. A spokesman for Sussex police said: "This has been thoroughly reviewed by Sussex Police's Crime Policy and Review Branch but there is no new evidence to suggest that the coroner's original verdict of death by misadventure was incorrect. As such, the case will not be reopened."" no longer exists

Response last updated by gtho4 on May 17 2023.
Jun 28 2011, 9:29 AM
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