What is the only country named after a Biblical king?
Question #12334. Asked by billfay.
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essaychess 25 year member
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The Solomon Islands
Jun 07 2001, 2:42 PM
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finlady 25 year member
254 replies
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I agree that it is the Solomon Islands, but I was wondering if it is possible the person is thinking Israel. The Bible so often refers to Israel as King. Not a literal meaning, but someone could take it out of context, and it can be missinterpreted by taking it out of context. Solomon Island's are not named for King Solomon, but the man who purchased the land, Isaac Solomon. Just a thought.
Jun 08 2001, 8:07 AM
Brainy Blonde
Answer has 3 votes
Brainy Blonde
Answer has 3 votes.
I agree, that it is the Solomon Islands. I wasn't sure if they were considered a country, but after checking out http://www.solomons.com
they did in fact become an independent country in 1978. The same web site also says they were named after King Solomon of the Bible. So if the question is correct in saying there is only one country in the world named after a biblical king, The Solomon Islands is the correct answer.
The first documented contact with Europeans was made by Alvaro de Mendana in 1568. He discovered alluvial gold and perhaps thinking he had found the Biblical King Solomon's mine, he named them Isles of Solomon.