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Which football (soccer) club was the earliest in continental Europe?

Question #124576. Asked by author.
Last updated Apr 29 2023.

Answer has 3 votes
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Answer has 3 votes.

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"In 1860 the first non-British team in Europe was Lausanne Football and Cricket Club, of Switzerland." from link See also link and

When you last asked this, as question #98078 (first non-British footnall team), the answer provided by zbeckabee was F.C.Copenhagen, 1876.


Dec 29 2011, 2:51 AM
Answer has 1 vote
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Answer has 1 vote.
The reason why I asked this question again: I read a Wiki page which claimed that the Germany based English FC Dresden "possibly" was the first continental European team. Founded, it says here, in 1874. (Other sources say even earlier). But if they really had a football club in Lausanne in 1860, they would probably be the winners.


As your second reference says: "However it is likely that Lausanne played cricket before football at the club (as it was more well established". So I doubt that football/soccer was played there as early as 1860.

Dec 29 2011, 5:19 AM
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Answer has 3 votes.
Lausanne Sport, in its French language website, clearly claims to be first, in 1860, through the ultimate merger of "the cinders" of the LF&CC with its organisation:
This early history is challenging (impossible?) to pin down, as the Association and its rules were not yet established, but clearly many similar styles of football were played long before that.

The German club VfL Bochum 1848 also came to mind,
While it was conceived in 1848 and founded in 1849, its football department wasn't established until 1911, and it makes no claim to be the first continental football club.

Response last updated by satguru on Apr 29 2023.
Dec 29 2011, 12:43 PM
papasmurf13 star
Answer has 2 votes
papasmurf13 star
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Answer has 2 votes.

Another interesting team to lay claim to being the oldest continental club is KB in Denmark (which refers again to zbeckabee's response before). It seems to be the oldest that I can find that says they started to 'officially' practice football in 1879.


There is more info, if you look in the global game section to support this option. Denmark was the first continental country to establish a national association; this had to spawn from somewhere.

This is a very interesting subject; i can't track down the first continental 'game'. Maybe that would shed more light if anyone can find it.

Dec 29 2011, 6:06 PM
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