If a child was in a coma, would he/she still grow?
Question #124965. Asked by Jordanar18.
Last updated Dec 16 2016.
Answer has 1 vote
Emma058 18 year member
138 replies
Answer has 1 vote.
According to the following article, it would depend on where the damage to the brain occurred. "Coma, then, is the result of something that interferes with the functioning of the cerebral cortex and/or the functioning of the structures which make up the RAS. In fact, a huge and varied number of conditions can result in coma. A good way of categorizing these conditions is to consider the anatomic and the metabolic causes of coma. Anatomic causes of coma are those conditions that disrupt the normal physical architecture of the brain structures responsible for consciousness, either at the level of
the cerebal cortex or the brainstem, while metabolic causes of coma consist of those conditions that change the chemical environment of the brain, thereby adversely affecting function."