"She was one of the most powerful women in the Middle Ages, benefactress of the Holy See, forever venerated in the main temple of Christianity. Her marble face inaugurated the series to female figures in St Peter's. Queen Christina of Sweden's and Maria Clementina Sobieski's memorials were added later."
In addition to the women mentioned above (who are buried in the basilica), several women are also buried in the Teutonic Cemetery which is within Vatican city. One the most notable women buried there is Mother Anna Dengel. cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna_Maria_Dengel
Feb 11 2012, 8:17 PM
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coachpauly 14 year member
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I have read that within the Pagan necropolis below St. Peters they have found the tomb of a woman "Aemilia Gorgonia." The latin inscription on the tomb provided by a husband tells that she was beautiful, chaste and died at th age of 28.