What is the difference between a mixed drink and a cocktail?
Question #127845. Asked by Tigershark79.
Last updated Nov 17 2012.
Originally posted Nov 17 2012 5:36 AM.
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euab 17 year member
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A cocktail is a kind of drink in which multiple ingredients are mixed, usually including at least one fruit juice and one hard liquor, although virgin (i.e. nonalocholic) cocktails also exist. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_difference_between_a_cocktail_and_a_drink
A mixed drink is any drink that contains an alcoholic beverage as an ingredient. The definition of a cocktail is an iced drink made with wine or distilled spirits, and a variety of other flavoring ingredients. Some of the more well known cocktails are an Old Fashioned, a Cosmopolitan, a Martini, or Margarita. There are as many types of cocktails with many different names and new ones made up every day. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_mixed_drinks_and_cocktails