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Which celebrity has claimed that a misplaced comma made him give an incorrect answer in ABC's "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" programme?

Question #13001. Asked by tintin.
Last updated Jan 22 2017.

Answer has 2 votes
24 year member
365 replies

Answer has 2 votes.
'The X-Files' star David Duchovny was faced with this $500,000 question: In which big-screen movie did viewers hear the line: "You be careful out among them English!" Duchovny answered 'Braveheart' -- the correct answer was 'Witness.'

Duchovny's complaint was that there should have been a comma before the word English in the question. If there had been, he would have known that 'English' was used as a name for someone, and he would have said the correct answer.

Jul 22 2001, 6:27 PM
Answer has 3 votes
Currently Best Answer
19 year member
23 replies

Answer has 3 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.
'The X-Files' actor David Duchovny, appearing on a celebrity version of 'Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?' was asked, What film ends with the line, "Good luck among them, English"? The actor promptly named Mel Gibson's famous Scottish epic 'Braveheart.' The correct answer, however, was Harrison Ford's movie about the Pennsylvania Amish, 'Witness.' Duchovny contended that without the comma after them, the answer was 'Braveheart.' But the producers of the TV show claimed there was a comma after them, so the correct answer was the Ford film. As a result, Duchovny's charity lost $500,000.


Response last updated by satguru on Jan 22 2017.
Feb 08 2008, 5:56 PM
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