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Someone is looking at a house in Hawai'i that is on a spaghetti lot; what is a spaghetti lot?

Question #130236. Asked by salami_swami.
Last updated Mar 28 2013.
Originally posted Mar 28 2013 10:33 AM.

Answer has 1 vote

Answer has 1 vote.

Mar 28 2013, 11:52 AM
TriviaFan22 star
Answer has 3 votes
Currently Best Answer
TriviaFan22 star
13 year member
163 replies

Answer has 3 votes.

Currently voted the best answer.

"'Spaghetti-lot' means a parcel of land with a lot depth to shore frontage ratio greater than 5 to 1. Shore frontage means land abutting a river..." Also could be a road.

from link,%20chap.%20206-A.pdf

The first link explains that when large tracts of land were sectioned off into smaller pieces and sold by the owner, then this caused problems for the buyers in determining what were the actual land boundaries of their property and then caused problems later down the road. "...[T]hese little maine land viewcreations caused lots of controversy, confusion later on in life as they get exchanged, traded, sold, resold." And I suppose that could also cause problems with one's neighbors.

Then he states, "It's like a pirates treasure map on the back of Lucky Charms."

The example he gives states that if the boundary is along a half mile of road but the property was only 100' wide, that would be an example of property dimensions that could cause problems.

It also seems to be a problem that Maine dealt with quite a few years back but doesn't seem to have been as big a problem in other states.

Mar 28 2013, 11:55 AM
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