What causes the yellow color present in the skin of a lemon?
Question #130422. Asked by austinnene.
Last updated Apr 09 2013.
Originally posted Apr 09 2013 12:12 PM.
Answer has 4 votes
Jennifer5 16 year member
119 replies
Answer has 4 votes.
Lemons turn yellow as they ripen; however, if the lemons turn yellow before ripening and the foliage of the tree also turns yellow this may be indicative of disease:
looney_tunes Moderator 19 year member
3319 replies
Answer has 7 votes.
Currently voted the best answer.
Lemons are green initially due the presence of chlorophyll pigment in their skin. Gradually they turn yellow as they mature. This is due to the production of xanthophyll and carotene pigments in the lemon skin.