What weed's name derives from the French word for "tooth of the lion"?
Question #13190. Asked by Courtney.
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satguru Moderator 22 year member
1251 replies
Answer has 3 votes.
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Dandelion, as in 'Dent de lion' or Lion's tooth. Also called 'pissenlit' there, as eating too many leaves could make you do this. (Too much information?)
May 04 2004, 9:57 AM
Answer has 2 votes
Answer has 2 votes.
it can make you pee? really?
in spanish it's "diente de leon" (Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for spelling errors... lol) which mens tooth of a lion. (not of the lion since there's no "el" there... same with french)
May 04 2004, 6:32 PM
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satguru Moderator 22 year member
1251 replies
Answer has 2 votes.
Yes, dandelion leaves can be used in salad (like nettles) and are also a diuretic. It was also called piss-a-bed in England till the turn of the century, as stated in my dictionary of slang.
Now if they can find a plant to cut it down I'd be impressed!