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Since red was the color associated with communists, why did the Nationalists/Fascists in the Spanish Civil War wear red shirts?

Question #132107. Asked by cinefan.
Last updated Aug 07 2013.
Originally posted Aug 06 2013 1:06 PM.

parrotman2006 star
Answer has 4 votes
parrotman2006 star
19 year member
346 replies avatar

Answer has 4 votes.
The red comes from the Carlist side of the Falange.
It was worn by Basque troops.

The flag of the Falange movement was red and black.

Aug 07 2013, 2:15 AM
sportsherald star
Answer has 5 votes
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sportsherald star
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Answer has 5 votes.

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Except that the Carlist symbol was a red beret, not a shirt, and the Nationalists/Fascists/Falangists wore blue shirts: "After the union with the Carlists, the original Falange uniform became important in identifying genuine Falangists.[17] The red beret had become the symbol of carlism by the 1860s.[21] The new party, commonly known as the Movimiento Nacional, was given a uniform with the Falangist blue shirt, the red Carlist beret and military belts." -from link

The same basic home uniform was used for the volunteer Blue Division that fought in the USSR for Hitler in World War II: "Because the soldiers could not use official Spanish army uniforms, they adopted a symbolic uniform comprising the red berets of the Carlists, khaki trousers used in the Spanish Legion, and the blue shirts of the Falangists - hence the nickname "Blue Division." This uniform was used only while on leave in Spain; in the field, soldiers wore the German Army (Wehrmacht Heer) field grey uniform with a shield on the upper right sleeve bearing the word "EspaƱa" and the Spanish national colours." -from link

Aug 07 2013, 1:00 PM
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