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What's the highest speed a football (soccer) has been recorded at during a match?

Question #132222. Asked by jonsmith1963.
Last updated Aug 18 2013.
Originally posted Aug 16 2013 2:53 PM.

RollTidewinner star
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RollTidewinner star
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"The velocity of the kicked ball is 30 meters per second, or 67 mph"


According to "The average speed of a kicked soccer ball is 60 miles per hour for professionals." According to Wiki answers, "speeds can get up to 75 miles per hour i think. with a 60 mph shot the goalies hands recoil 6 inches
this is true but some of the better players kicked it a 103mph and 98mph."

I think someone needs to get a radar gun at a match like in baseball games.

Aug 17 2013, 4:05 PM
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Answer has 8 votes.
Of recorded official football matches,
Lisbon's Brazilian left-back Ronny Heberson holds the record of nearly 132 mph with a free kick against Naval.


Aug 17 2013, 8:55 PM
gtho4 star
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gtho4 star
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Answer has 8 votes.
Peter Lorimer hit some pile-drivers back in the 60s and 70s but, sadly, none of them have been measured:


Sadly - and here lies the difficulty with such a list - the speed of most shots has not been recorded, which means there are probably lots of belters that we can never include. Peter Lorimer, for instance, is regularly cited as having hit shots at over 90mph, and this scorcher from Hereford's Ronnie Radford against Newcastle looks like it could have been even faster, but we can't prove it. However, with a bit of help from our ageing "Ballistic 96" VHS round-up of the 1995-96 season, we can confirm that Tony Yeboah's right-foot rocket jumps straight in at joint fourth (alongside David Trezeguet) on our list after it was measured at 96mph. "But Trezeguet was third," we hear you cry, and you'd be absolutely right; except that we also have a new No1. Step forward Sporting Lisbon's Brazilian left-back Ronny "Homem-Bomba" (human bomb) Heberson, who rifled in this free-kick against Naval in November last year, reportedly from 16.5 metres in 0.28 seconds: by our calculations, that's 131.82mph. Thanks to reader Peter van Balen for the tip-off.

There's a video of the 132mph shot by Ronny Heberson on youtube:

This screamer by Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink is allegedly 230kmh, which converts to 143 mph:

Aug 18 2013, 2:41 AM
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