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What is the connection between Fleetwood Mac and The Eagles?

Question #134059. Asked by jdaros.
Last updated Apr 07 2023.
Originally posted Dec 24 2013 4:11 PM.

gtho4 star
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gtho4 star
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Answer has 3 votes.

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Don Henley of The Eagles and Stevie Nicks of Fleetwood Mac were a couple for two years in the 1970s.

To The Limit: The Untold Story of the Eagles (excerpts)
by Marc Eliot | Page 128-129

Late in 1975, Henley became involved with Stevie Nicks of Fleetwood Mac, a relationship that made headlines. Nicks had begun her singing career in San Francisco in the late sixties, met guitarist Lindsey Buckingham, and moved with him to Los Angeles, where they tried to break into the new spawning ground for mainstream rock. In 1975, they met drummer Mick Fleetwood, shortly thereafter joined him in the tenth configuration of his group, and recorded the groundbreaking Fleetwood Mac . Released on Warner/Reprise in August of 1975, it charted for over a year and sent the band on the road for an extended tour.

One night, Henley, long an admirer and aware of the competition between the two bands for best-selling album of the year, decided to pick up the phone and call Nicks, even though they'd never ment or talked to each other before. The two hit it off, and a series of intense wherever-you-are-I'll-find-you calls ensued, during which they commiserated on the loneliness of the long-distance rock-star lifestyle. Henley, still full of Rodkin, found a sympathetic soul in Nicks, who'd recently split from Buckingham. How much worse off was she, Nicks asked Henley, having to perform with her ex every night?

Inevitably, the two groups played the same cities. Knowing Henley was planning to make an appearance backstage one night, Mick Fleetwood and John and Christine McVie of the Mac decided to play a little joke on Nicks by sending her a bouquet of flowers with a card "signed" by Henley that read, "The Best of My Love...Tonight? Don..." A highly offended Nicks fumed over what she considered Henley's arrogance, until he convinced her he had nothing to do with the prank. The two then began a serious two-year affair. Nicks remembered it this way. "When Lindsey and I broke up during Rumours , I started going out with Don...He was really cute, and he was elegant. Don taught me how to spend money. I just watched him, that's how. He didn't visibly set out to do that. I just watched him. He was okay with, say, buying a house [just] like that, or sending a Lear jet to pick you up. no longer exists

Response last updated by gtho4 on Apr 07 2023.
Dec 24 2013, 4:57 PM
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