What was the religion of Michael Crichton, if any?
Question #135054. Asked by TriviaFan22.
Last updated Mar 12 2014.
Originally posted Mar 12 2014 5:31 AM.
Answer has 1 vote
LauraMcC 17 year member
117 replies
Answer has 1 vote.
One might assume that Crichton, as a man of science, would be an atheist. However, when directly asked if he believes in god, Crichton said he did.1 Crichton was, though, a lifelong skeptic and perhaps his attitude towards these issues could be best summed up in his own words:
I am certain there is too much certainty in the world.2
Crichton is often considered a deist,3 who was in wonder of the complexity and nuance of the natural world.4